Tomorrow Night!!

(UPDATE: For those of you just checking in, this lecture is happening TONIGHT, Friday, October 19th! Tickets are available at the door for $35. Contact me if you have any questions, or would like detailed directions. See you there!!)

As Wayne and I were chatting the other week, he happened to mention that they were in the midst of harvesting burdock. If only he could have seen my face light up. Fresh. Burdock. I looked like a kid in a candy store at the mere mention of it. Haha. Imagine a burdock candy store? Hairy brown roots on display in various forms, some dried, some fresh… Like you’ve stepped into some sort of scene from Harry Potter, shopping in Diagon Alley… Hmmm… burdock does kind of look like it could be a wand of sorts…

Fast forward to this week. We’re e-mailing back and forth and the topic of Wayne’s favourite recipes come up. When asked, he responded “Well, this is the time of year when I move ever closer to being obsessed with burdock Kinpira, which I like to have a serving of at least 3 times a week as part of my overall  happy taste bud experience; while keeping my immune system boosted as we transition to winter. When I make it for myself I use a little bit of toasted sesame oil”

Okay. Let me just say that “Overall happy taste bud experience” = one of my favourite e-mail quotes ever.

I think we’re in for a treat tomorrow evening, and lucky for you there are still some seats available- contact me to register!

For now, here’s a link to the carrot and burdock kinpira recipe I featured last year. Next week, I’m going to show you one of my favourite ways to use it as a leftover… it’s super tasty and fun!! Can’t wait!

wayne diotte - May 14, 2015 - 9:08 pm

In my experience Macrobiotics with all it’s intricate and fascinating possibilities is a Great Art…‪#‎theartofliving‬ with a sense of freedom, a kind heart, vitality, generosity of spirit and respect for the constant interplay of the finite and infinite that is surrounding and within us all the time” WD

IT IS a salutation, A greeting, a kind wish, a hope, a heartfelt outreach or even a prayer for you and with you… That you may be inspired to BE one with your true nature; living moment to moment your great life potential.” WD

Sweet Kuzu Drink (from my couch).

Hello all. Please excuse the quietness around here this week. I’ve been laying low, on the couch above, with a cold, puttering about in my pj’s all day, eating miso, drinking tea and making various remedy drinks to help get me back in balance, stat! I want to be feeling totally normal by next week, because WAYNE’S coming in just one week!! Wayne’s world, Wayne’s world, macro on, excellent! Oh boy. I just went there. Blame it on the stuffy head… Okay, clearly I’m not fit to be writing something for public reading, so to keep it short, I’m sharing with you today one of my favourite kuzu drinks. It’s fast and easy to make, super relaxing (great if you’re feeling stressed!), and tastes a little like light and very mild caramel. Well, maybe not that exactly, but it’s subtle and delicious. I like to have it at night if I’m craving something boozy- this is way easier on the body!!

 {click image above for a printable recipe!}

Hubs - October 12, 2012 - 6:24 pm


Kuwanna - December 12, 2012 - 10:25 am

One of my favorites…and great for my hypoglycemia!

Brandi - March 24, 2016 - 4:35 pm

Where do I get kuzu? Do you buy it in powder form or do you grate the root? I have never had it but I heard this type of drink was good to calm children down, so I wanted to try it.

One Year + Apple Beignets

Feeling thankful. It’s what I’ve been trying to capture, sitting here, writing, deleting, writing, deleting, re-writing, and more deleting, all morning. A mix of stories, anecdotes, tales of our adventures. Nothing is flowing the way I want. It seems it should be simple, “Hey, everyone!! It’s SCM’s first birthday!! Thanks for coming along with us this past year!” And yes, it is…. but it isn’t!!

SCM turned one this past weekend. A year of posts, stories, recipes and photos. A year of cooking classes, new faces, inspiring new clients and successes. A year of firsts, of realizations, of tears from laughter and frustration, of “Why?!?!?! %$^&#!!”, and “Oh! That’s way!” moments. A year of scribbling ideas in notebooks, of feeling daunted, incapable, of trying to figure out just what direction I want this little corner of mine to go in. It’s been a year of feeling uber focused, frazzled, and in way over my head.

It’s been a year of discovery. Of new friends from all over the world (seriously- how cool is that!!!) and of re-connecting with friends from the past (I’m so happy we’re in touch again!!!) The internet really is a crazy, amazing place. A year of planning, a year of dreaming. A year of thinking “How can I macro-fy that?” and saying to hubs “so….. how does it taste?!”

It’s been truly great. Fabulous. Amazing and wonderful. It’s been oh so much more than I anticipated…. I can’t wait to see what this next year will hold. (I do know that there are some exciting things in the works!) So, instead of re-reading this, editing and changing words around, I’m just going to press publish and let it be. I’m so grateful. Thank you, everyone, for all of your enthusiasm and comments, for your e-mails, messages and notes. It makes my day knowing you’re out there, somewhere in this amazing world, taking a few moments to stop by here. Wow. Thank you.

Now… please go and make these super yummy apple-y bites of doughy goodness. Eat them fresh and hot, sprinkled with maple sugar, or with a side of brown rice syrup, maple syrup or jam to dunk them in. Hubs dubbed these “Golden Fried Rings of Heaven” and for good reason… we polished off each and every last one in one sitting, which is a lot knowing that each apple can make 8 or more Beignetes!! A happy birthday indeed!!

This recipe makes enough that 4 people could enjoy 4 each- it really depends on how thinly you slice the apples. To conserve oil, I filled one small pot, and fried one or two apple slices at a time, but you could easily use a large pot and do more at once to save time. Also, you can save and re-use the oil. Just let cool, and strain. I store mine in the fridge after it has been used.

Karin - October 1, 2012 - 2:14 pm

Love the site so much and all the fantastic recipes!
Looking forward to more cooking classes with you and lots more amazing SCM firsts for the next year to come.
Bravo Shauna!

sandra mesquita - October 1, 2012 - 4:19 pm

Happy 1st Birthay!!
I really love your blog! I started my own this year, and honestly I think you have the best macro blog I’ve ever seen!
I think my 1st post was actually about SCM!
Hope you can take a look!

Wish you all the best, and thank you for inspiring me, and others!!


Emma - October 1, 2012 - 8:11 pm

Happy Birthday SCM! And oh WOW those look so tasty.

Sonya - October 2, 2012 - 6:07 am

Congratulations with your one year beautiful blog!
Great discoveryy for me..and now i have to try the beignets..yum!

(funny Initials are scm. (Sonja Cristine Maria)

😉 take care!

Angela Branon - October 2, 2012 - 11:31 am

Shauna, you have done such an amazing job with this blog. I always recommend it as a go to place for new and old macros.
A Very Happy First Birthday to you!

Cristin - October 2, 2012 - 11:45 am

Feliz cumpleaños to SCM!!!

Suzanne @ RollWithIt - October 2, 2012 - 7:14 pm

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!! Here’s to more years of your inspirational photos and recipes! Wishing you more growth in the year to come! xoxo Suzanne

Mandy - October 2, 2012 - 10:02 pm

I love, love, love this recipe! It was so simple and we ate them up with a strawberry compote as a dip from some too ripe strawberries so we would not waste them. I added a pinch of sea salt to the recipe and lightly floured the apple rings to help the batter stick. We had fun making them too!

Shauna - October 4, 2012 - 5:12 pm

Karin! Thank-you for all your positivity this year and for being such a SCM champion!! We are so excited for dinner on the 27th. Can’t wait!! And, of course, we can’t wait to see you in our classes. Looking forward to Desserts. xo

Sandra- Aww! That is so nice to hear! Yes- I see you posted about the rice pudding- thanks!! I’ll definitely be stopping by your blog regularly! Keep in touch. Perhaps we could do a class together in Portugal?! How fun!!

Emma- Thank you!! And yes- they are really good… definitely only a once or twice a year treat!!

Sonja- Thanks for stopping by and saying hello. Let me know how the beignets turn out- hope you like them!

Angela- So nice to hear from you- I’m so happy that you stop by here regularly and pass it along. Thank you!!!

Cristina- Thank you!! So nice to meet you this year, and I’m looking forward to seeing you again soon.

Suzanne- Big smiles. Yes- it is definitely going to be an exciting year ahead! I’m thrilled you love the photos. It has turned out to be an amazing creative outlet for me. Thanks!!!

Mandy- Ooh yummy. Love the idea of serving them with strawberry compote. So deluxe!! Happy you and your hubby had fun making them together- that’s the best!! xo

sandra - October 8, 2012 - 11:55 am

Hi Shauna!
That you would be really nice!I’ll definitely keep on touch! :)
All the best!

Janine Atkinson - October 14, 2012 - 6:03 pm

I am so proud of you Shauna. You are absolutely one of my biggest heroes, and I am consistently amazed by your recipes and photos and website, so much so I recommend to literally everyone I come across that need a good, straight forward website for macro recipes. People literally come back drooling and say, Okay, I want that! Keep it up, Rock star. I love you! <3

Carmen - February 18, 2013 - 9:06 pm

Omigod I just made these with maple syrup drizzled over top, insane, they reminded me of something you would get at the country fair, but so much better
Thank you

Blaine Arin @ Feel-good Food - November 24, 2013 - 3:08 pm

It’s been such fun following you in your “little corner” of the web.

Happy birthday to your lovely blog! x Blaine

Aduki Beans and Squash

Happy First Day of Fall!

To celebrate we’re sharing a macro staple today- aduki, kombu and squash, featuring the best squash ever. Period. Orange Kabocha Squash. Hubs surprised me with two beauties the other day- I walked in the door, and there they were, sitting on the counter. Vibrant orange and gorgeous. Yes. Squash can be gorgeous. Anyhoo…

Aduki beans are often used in macrobiotic cooking as they are super low in fat, and therefore one of the most easily digested beans. Their slightly sweet flavour, combined with the ridiculousness of the kabocha, makes this dish really nourishing for your stomach, spleen and pancreas. The beans are delicious as leftovers, and can be easily transformed by adding a bit of tahini, some celery, scallion, any other veggies you like finely diced, and voila! Bean salad. I’ve also whizzed leftovers into a creamy, thick soup and seasoned with cumin or even a little curry powder. You get the idea- make a big batch so you have leftovers to work with for a few days. Aren’t leftovers fabulous? If you can’t find kabocha, don’t despair! Buttercup, butternut, red curi, or another sweet, hard winter squash will all work nicely. And if you make too much, you can even freeze this dish. Yes- frozen isn’t 100% ideal, but when life gets busy it’s nice to have a few frozen options for when the fridge is empty and a veggie burger at the local pub is calling your name…

{click above image for a printable recipe document}

As for where to find aduki beans, my absolute favourite aduki beans are from Hokkaido, Japan. They are so perfectly uniform in size and colour, super shiny, and really high in minerals as they grow in rich, volcanic soil. However, I haven’t been able to find them any other place than though the Kushi Store. Anyone out there with a secret source?!?! My next favourite are from Michigan I believe- and I buy them through Wayne at Macrobiotics Canada. Speaking of Wayne- he’s coming to Toronto! You should come! Read more about his visit here.  Hope to see you there!

If you can’t find aduki beans, feel free to try this dish using another bean. Likewise, if squash is hard to come by, you could substitute carrot, parsnip, onion or even rutabaga.

Hubs and I are heading out today to test drive some cars, fast and furious style (hold on tight, car sales person!!) then plan to follow up the lead footed action with a walk in the park. What are your plans for the first weekend of Fall?

[…] I cooked up her most recent recipe post, Aduki Beans and Squash.  I could not secure a kabocha squash for dinner tonight, but found a beautiful small pumpkin and […]

Katie - October 5, 2012 - 1:20 pm

I love your great recipes and beautiful pictures! Gold Mine Natural Foods carries Hokkaido Azuki Beans. These really are so shiny and gorgeous! Very high quality.

Shauna - October 6, 2012 - 11:20 am

Hi Katie. Thank you! And thanks for sharing another location to purchase these amazing beans! Great!!

Teresa - October 27, 2012 - 11:33 am

Natural Import sells Hokkaido beans, too. One of my favorite dishes. Yum! Helps with chocolate cravings, too.

and the winner is…

Hello from Calgary!

I’ve escaped from Toronto for the weekend (sadly without Hubs) and have landed in Alberta! Land of big blue sky, golden wheat, mountains in the background and fresh crisp air. Mmmm the air. If only I could bottle it up. After being away for over a year, it’s nice to be back- even if it is just a quick trip! Barely enough time to see a friend or two, try out a veggie restaurant and have a big ol’ party- potluck style- with my amazingly awesome family. Woohoo! I’m making this, this and this, along with a giant plate of kale and this. This potluck is going to be crazy delicious!!

Before I left we made sure to pick a winner for the giveaway of Yukiko Sato’s dessert book! Are you excited?!?!?!?!

I wrote out each and every name, along with the date and time of the comment on little bits of paper. Old school style.

Hubs agreed to pick the name for me! Thanks, Hubs!!

And the winner is…….

Congratulations, Emma! I’ll be sending you an e-mail shortly to arrange delivery of your NEW DESSERT COOKBOOK!! Enjoy!!

If you didn’t win, don’t despair, just head on over here to pick up a copy of your own. Thanks again to everyone who entered, and for all of the lovely comments. Happy Weekend!

Emma - September 14, 2012 - 1:51 pm

I can’t believe it – how exciting!!!

Shauna - September 18, 2012 - 3:26 pm

Hi Emma!! So happy you’re excited. It’s a wonderful book! Enjoy!!! xo