Day 9 – Body Scrubs and Revelations

refreshMy head hit the pillow last night and I swear I was almost asleep within seconds. It was a crazy day of intense but extremely rewarding work- about 18 hours worth. So, my head hit the pillow, and 3 – 2- 1… “CRAP. I forgot to do my body scrub.” I contemplated getting up to do it for about 5 more seconds before completely passing out.

After eating my giant bowl of brown rice porridge for breakfast today I was ready to jump back into work, but I looked around at “dish mountain” and realized that if I was going to have a day that really flowed well it was important for my surrounding space to be tidy and clean too. Forty-five minutes later and dish mountain was clean. “Great!! Now to work!” I sat at the desk, but something wasn’t quite flowing right. And I was feeling a bit guilty about feeling guilty for missing the body scrub last night, and not writing here today. So. I decided that in this spirit of “Being Kind” to myself I would treat myself to an AM body rub.

Friends, I can’t tell you how much better I feel now with my skin still gently tingling. It’s great. And,  about half way through the body scrub, I was flooded with work  ideas- good ones. I realized that by taking those few minutes to do the scrub for myself, to create my own good health, I would be better able to produce good, creative work for others. Pretty amazing stuff. Ok- tight timeline and big projects to tackle. Back to work! Can’t wait for the scrub tonight.

Mandy Woytkiw - February 4, 2014 - 12:35 pm

Your work is much appreciated.. and I am so happy you are being kind to yourself first! None of your genius can play out if your not at your best! ♡

Shauna - February 6, 2014 - 6:01 am

<3 thanks! We're really all in this big crazy thing together. If by taking care of myself, the payoff spreads to others which spreads to others etc etc? All the better. So cool.

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